Norwegian Wood: Book Review

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami: Book Review

Book: Norwegian Wood Author: Haruki Murakami Genre: Romance novel First Published: 1987 Pages: 390 Major Characters: Toru Watanabe, Naoko, Midori, Reiko, Nagasawa I was not so fond of reading romantic novels; I found them boring. (Maybe I had chosen the wrong books in the past.) But Norwegian Wood completely changed my perception; this masterpiece made […]

Animal Farm by George Orwell- Book Review

Animal Farm by George Orwell- Book Review

Title: Animal Farm by George Orwell- Book Review Book: Animal Farm Author: George Orwell Genre: Political Satire First Published In: 1945 Pages: 115 Major Characters: Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, Benjamin, Mr. Jones, Squealer I knew George Orwell because of his book 1984, which is very popular. But I recently learned that Animal Farm, written by him,

7 Books to Read in Your 20s

The 7 Best Books to Read in Your 20s: Must-Read Books

First of all, let’s admit, the 20s is a confusing time. You are transforming from a carefree child to a responsible adult. Here you feel the weight of your family, career, job, marriage, and whatnot. You have to find what you want to do in the future, how you will live, with whom you will

5 Powerful Lessons From Bhagat Singh’s Life

Bhagat Singh- 5 Powerful Lessons from Bhagat Singh’s Life

Bhagat Singh was one of the most powerful revolutionaries in the Indian independence movement. I got highly influenced by Bhagat Singh and felt that I should study his life. I read his biography, Without Fear- The Life And Trial Of Bhagat Singh by Kuldip Nayar, Why I Am An Atheist And Other Works by Bhagat

Sherlock Holmes Novels

Sherlock Holmes Novels: Is It Worth Reading?

Who doesn’t know about Sherlock Holmes, the timeless detective and one of the most well-known fictional characters? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is considered the pioneer of detective fiction for writing such amazing stories featuring Sherlock Holmes. This fictional detective is so prominent that it has made a Guinness World Record as the most portrayed literary

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg: Summary

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg: Summary

Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” William James, the well-known psychologist who made some of the earliest studies on habits in the 19th century, referred to life as a bundle of habits. So, it’s true that our habits

Deep Work by Cal Newport: Summary

Deep Work by Cal Newport: Summary

You can watch the YouTube video where I have shared 5 lessons from the book Deep Work. What do you do when you are attending a boring lecture or standing in a queue? If you are like most people, you must be taking your phone out and using social media. We all do it because

Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne: Book Review

Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne: Book Review

Journey to the center of the Earth is a classic science fiction novel written by Jules Verne. This book was first published in French in 1864 and then in English in 1871. So, it’s more than 150 years old and is still a very interesting read. Journey to the Center of the Earth is the

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