5 Triggers that Pushed Me to Burnout

5 Triggers that Pushed Me to Burnout [and how I’m recovering]

  “What am I doing? How did I become this?” I kept asking myself that. I had no idea what was happening. I had somehow become someone who was always exhausted, couldn’t focus, and procrastinated. I had no motivation. I lost all discipline. I stopped learning. I neglected my work. I avoided thinking about my […]

Power of Impatience

The Power of Impatience

  “Why haven’t I achieved my goals yet?” How often do you find yourself asking that question? Or maybe these ones, “Why is it taking so much time?” “How much more time will it take?” “How come others are making it so quickly?” Whether it’s about career, money, fitness, or anything else, it’s normal to

Pleasure Trap

The Deadly Pleasure Trap

  Here’s the thing: What you do today shapes who you become tomorrow. Every little action you take adds up. From when you wake up, what you eat for breakfast to how you spend your free time all contribute to the person you’re becoming. So, it makes sense to be aware of our actions. And

This is my picture, I am not so happy.

Do the Next Right Thing

  Lost. That was how I felt in June 2024. Things were uncertain. I couldn’t see my future. And I had no idea what to do or what my purpose was. So, I felt very lost. And this feeling had been lingering for the past 2–3 years. And that was not very pleasant. When you

3 Things I Wish I Had Known 3 Years Ago

3 Things I Wish I Had Known 3 Years Ago

That moment when you’ve messed up really bad, and you want to go back in time to fix it. I bet you’ve been there. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), you can’t change the past. You can only learn from it and try not to make the same mistakes again. And that’s how we grow in life.

The concept of time billionaire.

I Am a Billionaire

Yeah, I’m a billionaire. And no, it’s not about money.  I’m treating time as a currency. I’m a time billionaire. And so are you. You see, 1 billion seconds is approximately 31 years. So, if you’re in your 20s, you’ve around two billion seconds left. If you’re in your 50s, you’ve around one billion seconds

Should You Follow Your Passion?

Should You Follow Your Passion: 3 Hard Truths

I followed my passion for two years. And my experience was so strange you won’t believe it! Mostly because we’re told that following passion makes life beautiful, gets us excited to jump out of bed every morning, and lets us easily make lots of money. That’s really funny. The truth is the real world doesn’t

Best New Year’s Resolutions

5 Best New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

New Year’s resolutions may be cliché. But they help. Especially if you make the right resolutions. You see, 2023 flew by so quickly! It seems like it started just a few months ago, and now we are already in the next year. And the same is likely to happen in 2024. It’ll go in a

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