
Self-Love: Simple to Say, Hard to Commit but Not Anymore.

You know what is the simplest yet the hardest thing, we all are aware of but always forget to do is? “Self-love.” Yes, self-love is something we are all aware of but never commit. You are the one person you have always been with and will always be with; the person who has been there, […]

How to fail in life easily

How to Fail in Life Easily

Everyone talks about success. Everyone wants to know its secrets. But honestly, I haven’t tasted any big success (yet). So I can’t really tell how you can make it happen. However, I am great at failing. In fact, I have been a failure all my life. I failed to get into my dream college I

Death; An Inside Story

Death: An Inside Story: Book Review

We all are afraid of death. It is because of uncertainty; we don’t exactly know what happens after death. We have become so good at living our lives that now we are living with more comfort and convenience than ever before. But when it comes to dying well, it’s no better than our ancestors. We are…..

9 amazing life lessons from the eagle

9 Amazing Life Lessons From the Eagle

Do you know you can learn some great lessons from the eagle? Yes, you heard it right! Eagles have exceptional qualities which can inspire you and help you be strong in life. One of the highest-flying and biggest birds in the world, the eagle, is a symbol of power, victory, bravery, and royalty. This is

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