7 Powerful Habits of Successful People

7 Powerful Habits of Extremely Successful People

What bad habits do you have? You wake up in the afternoon, waste your time on social media, doubt yourself, or wear dirty underwear? But if you quit your bad habits, you become a quitter. No one likes a quitter. So many problems in life. (That was sarcasm) The quality of our habits determines the […]

7 Encouraging Benefits of Waking Up Early

7 Encouraging Benefits of Waking Up Early

It’s 6 a.m., and I am feeling fresh and energetic as I write this post. Coincidently, I planned to write on the benefits of waking up early. I have this habit of waking up early in the morning for years, which has benefited me greatly. And it’s not only me; many great personalities wake up

30 ways to make your life more interesting

30 Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting

We are so worried about our future, about our carrier, about our bank balance, about what people think about us that we forget we are going to die one day. Although I would pray, we all live longer; but death can come any time. We are not going to live here forever; we have limited

10 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

10 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

Giving up on your dreams is one of the easiest and guaranteed ways to ensure your failure. We give up because things become difficult, we give up because we get hopeless, we give up because we fear failure, we give up because success is uncertain, we give up because the pain becomes unbearable, we give

Look at the bigger picture

Why Should You Look at the Bigger Picture?

There are times in our lives when we feel down, hurt, defeated, lost, or all of these at the same time. This could be due to anything significant like- a breakup with your girlfriend/boyfriend, having a massive failure, going bankrupt, or it could be small like- spilling coffee on the table, having a fight with

21 Benefits of reading books- Why you should read every day

21 Benefits of Reading Books: Why You Should Read Every day

It was the summer of 2019, and as usual, I was feeling frustrated with my life. I was frustrated because I was dissatisfied with myself. I was frustrated because I had deep negative thoughts. I was frustrated because I had doubts, fears, and insecurities that completely immobilized me. And, this had been happening for months.

A smile is all you need

A Smile Is All You Need

When I was a child, I used to watch a cartoon show- Winnie The Pooh. I still remember a very beautiful dialogue Winnie once said- “Your smile is a reason for many others to smile.” And I got the realization that a smile is all you need. Just like your emotions revolve 360° after your

Murder On The Orient Express- Review

Murder on the Orient Express- Review

Title: Murder on the Orient Express- ReviewBook: Murder on the Orient ExpressAuthor: Agatha ChristiePublisher: Collins Crime ClubGenre: Crime novelFirst Published In: 1934Pages: 274 (Paperback edition, 2017)Major Characters: Hercule Poirot, M. Bouc, Dr. Constantine, Mary Debenham, Mrs. Hubbard, Samuel Ratchett, Princess Dragomiroff Murder on the Orient Express is a classic detective fiction written by Agatha Christie

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